Login or Create an account to register your software.

Software Registration Help

Welcome to Control Techniques’ new software registration website. The new site enables you to register all of the following Control Techniques software packages in one convenient place and replaces the separate registration sites:

  • AffinitySoft
  • CTScope
  • CTSoft
  • SyPTLite
  • SyPTPro
  • Winder Solution

The new website is purely a software registration website. The free software packages and demo version of SyPTPro are available for you to download at


Current / existing users:

  • Your existing user details have been transferred to the new website therefore there is no need to register again. However, you will have to generate a new password before you’re able to login to the new site.
  • Click here to generate your new password.
  • The password will be sent to your registered email address.
  • Use this password to login to the new registration website.
  • Once you’ve logged in please change your password to something more memorable by using the ‘Change Password’ option. See Password Requirements.

New Users:

  • If you need to register Control Techniques software and haven’t registered on any of our previous registration websites, you need to register before you can register any software packages.
  • To register, click here and go to ‘Create an Account’.
  • Enter your details and select ‘Register’. You will receive the key code to unlock your software at the email address you register so please check the email address before submitting your registration.
  • Following the submission of your registration you will receive a confirmation email containing an activation link.
  • Click on the link to activate your account.
  • Activating your account will enable an extra feature that will allow you to see the key code on screen as well as receiving it via email. You will then be able to copy it directly from your browser into the dialog box within the software package.
  • You are now ready to login and register your software package.

Password Requirements:

The password must be at least 8 characters long, include upper and lowercase characters and have either numbers or alphanumeric characters e.g. Pass123!

Register Software:

To obtain a key code for your software package please follow the process below:

  • Login
  • Select the software package you want to register from the drop down box.
  • Enter the lock code generated by the software package into the box provided. Please note that the lock codes all have to take the following format
  • Click ‘Generate Key Code’
  • A confirmation message will appear on screen saying that the key code has been sent to your email address. If you have activated your account you will also see the key code on screen.

New Features:

The new Control Techniques Software Registration site contains some brand new features that were unavailable on our previous registration sites.

  • View Registrations
    This feature is available in the main menu. It lists all of your software registrations for every Control Techniques software package
  • Modify Account
    This facility is available in the main menu. It allows you to amend any of your account details e.g. address
  • Change Email
    This facility is available within the ‘Modify Account’ section by clicking on the ‘Change Email’ link. It allows you to update your email address. When you change your email address you will be asked to validate it by clicking on the activation link in the confirmation email. Activating your new email address will enable the extra feature that will allow you to see the key code on screen as well as receiving it via email.
  • Change Password
    This facility is available in the main menu. It allows you to change your password. This is particularly useful when your password has been reset and you need to change it to something more memorable.
  • Forgotten Password
    This facility is available on the login screen. It allows you to reset your password if you have forgotten it. Your new password is sent via email. You can then use this password to login. Once you’ve logged in please change your password to something more memorable by using the ‘Change Password’ option.


Lock Code – This code is generated during the software installation. It is a combination of upper case letters and numbers and always takes the following format XX-XXXX-XX-XXXX

Key Code – This is the activation code sent to you during the registration process to activate your installation. It is a numerical code that always takes the following format XXXXXX-XXXXXX

Contact Information:

For product support enquiries please contact your local Drive Centre or Reseller.

For website enquiries please contact: